My House of European History: How to make your story part of History

antradienis 2023 m. gegužės 30 d. 13:00 14:30

Nuotolinis renginys


What connects Elza, Renata, Georg, Giulia and Ingrid?
Where do people with backgrounds as diverse as theirs, who come from all over Europe and even the world, meet?
How do their voices, some from long ago and others from the recent past, reach us today?

If you are curious to know the answer, register for our online presentation of My House of European History. Iveta and Javier will discover with you the unique collaborative project where history and the lives of European citizens coincide.

-> Click here to join the meeting <-

The collaborative multilingual initiative of the Translation Service of the European Parliament collects people’s stories in 24 languages. In this way, My House of European History seeks to create a virtual collection of testimonies about Europe from people around the world - by written testimonials, videos and podcasts.

On 30 May from 13:00 to 14:30 meet the team behind the project, learn more about their work and explore how you can become actively part of it!

More information about MyHEH: